Written by: on @ 8:25 pm

Life is full of seasons, there are four seasons in the year, summer autumn, winter and spring.

God can use the seasons to mould us and make us into what we ought to be.

Daniel 2 verse 21 says :And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding.

We need God to help us through the seasons of life, because he ordained the times and the seasons. Ecclesiastes 3 verse 1 says :  To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.

So it is wise for us to ask God in prayer to guide us through whatever season we are in and to let us know what we ought to be doing.

I pray the Lord God Almighty will guide us through the seasons.

Catogories: Spiritual Growth

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